27 February 2011

A flea market, a craft fair, a seaside town and a leak

Well, what a busy day Saturday was, taking in a local flea market, a trip down the coast to a farmer's market, a farm shop, a craft fair and a potter about a seaside town. For this most exciting set of events, I decided to wear a new dress from H&M, cinched with a belt (it's a total pregnant making dress without the belt and, now I look at it, this pose is a bit pregnant-tastic. I am not pregnant), also from H&M and some comfy Schuh boots.

The flea market was at our local hall, the Drill Hall. It's a great wee place that holds lots of classes and events every week and the odd special event too (Judy's affordable vintage fair is coming next weekend and right after my payday too which is VERY considerate!). Now, despite the fact that I took my camera along, I neglected to take a single picture (I'm a bit crap that way) but it was full of nick nacks and plenty clothes, shoes and bags. I was eyeing up a cute Clockhouse (from C&A. It was cool when I was a kid!) blouse but the seller was asking for 7 quid which felt a bit inflated so I left it.However, I'll definitely be back next month for a look as it's great to have something like it locally!

Post flea market, it was time to head down the coast to East Lothian.

The farmer's market being dismantled. You bet I forgot to take a pic while it was on!
Maybe I forgot the picture taking because I was distracted by tasting some glorious local cider (oh, you better believe I know where my priorities lie!), Thistly Cross, which is made by Belhaven Fruit Farms. I tried Elderflower, Strawberry and Whisky cider and they were all delicious! Plus, I love the fact that it's local stuff.

 I bought a bottle of Elderflower and one of Strawberry. Yum!
Next was a craft market. There was a lot of crap (lots of naff jewellery and the like) but there was a stall with gorgeous water colours, one with some AMAZING (but EXPENSIVE - who spends £300 on a table when they're at a £1 craft market filled with cards and necklaces?) wood work.
And the £1 admission fee got you a cuppa and a chocolate biscuit - winner! And you better believe these are the only two pictures I took!
This fella was chillaxing outside the craft fair in the sun. Why's the light shining up his sheet?
After Haddington (are you bored yet? Sorry), we headed on down the coast to North Berwick. Here's my pal Lynsey with some choice vinyl:

Lynsey is deeply dippy for Phil Collins and she knows it! But look how shiny her hair is! Redeemed!
Fabulous loose leaf tea purchased from the wonderful Howdah Tea and Coffee Co - the fella in there is quality for a bit of chat. I went for some almond tea and some Bengal Fire (chai) tea which is absolutely delicious!
Arguably the purchase of the day. My bizarre pin cushion/holder owls - they were a quid in a charity shop! Now dey is where I storz ma bling, innit?
And when I got home, my neighbour came up to say water was leaking through his roof from my flat. Fun times! How was your weekend?


Helga said...

Fantastic pin cushion!!!
What a jolly splendid day! Cider would distract me from photos too....or bring on a drunken orgy of them!! ha!
You do NOT look preggers!! It's a pretty frock though,and I'm really into belting frocks there days,love it!

Abbie said...

Love the dress and the new owly bling storage device!

Vix said...

I love Mr Owl! He's definately a quid well spent.
That dress looks gorgeous with the belt, your waist is tiny!! xxx

Vintage Coconut said...

That owl pin cushion is SO SWEET!!! I love the dazzling green eyes.

doradadama said...

you dont look preg..you look great.that pin cushion is the cutest..now i want one.

Gem said...

mmmm that cider looks yummy! There was a jumble sale in my local church recently but I was working and couldn't go because I had work :(
I love all the colours in the dress, what is the print? can't quite make it out x

♥Music Fashion Clutter ♥ said...

I know what you mean about the preggers dressed! aaarrghhh! looks nice with the belt though!

I am gutted about missing the vintage fair.. I am in Glasgow on Saturday and it's in Glasgow on Sunday so I may just head back on the Sunday!

Cant wait to see what you got

Joanne xx

Alex said...

Ooh that cider sounds delicious.

I keep missing the vintage fair :( Whenever it comes to Liverpool I'm not here and I always seem to miss it by a week or so if it happens to visit somewhere I'm going for a weekend trip. Grrr.

Sharon said...

Hi my dear! Thanks so much for stopping by with your lovely comment, it sounds like you've had a fabulous time-I love your outfit and the owl pin cushion is a wonderfully cute bargain indeed! I've added you to my blogroll too, have a great week! xx

char said...

hehe,i love the owls, and i think your outfit is lovely!

hippyatheart said...

wow, what a great dress, really nice with that belt! follow your blog now, as I love vintage and blog about it, too :)

xx viviane

Helen said...

hmm that cider sounds lush! the eyes on those owls are slightly demonic haha