30 July 2012

Little Scribbler: likes I am acrylic

Yes she does. Or, I do. I'm sure talking about oneself in the 3rd person is wack.

This weekend I was at Camp Bestival (more on that...) - family friendly summer festival hot-spot for the middle class. Really: some of the kids' names I heard included Tilly, Barney, Elodie, Millicent and, I think and hope, Balthazar. Nae offence if any of those are your names - they're perfectly nice names. But there's no denying, they're pretty hooray-Henry in the naming stakes. And that's kind of the Camp Bestival vibe, from the fancy foodie offerings to the Guardian and Observer stalls, it's a classier vibe than your average festival. But...it's great fun too! I'll bore scintillate you with it later this week.

One thing CB does well is shopping. It's got some of your usual tat but, as befits the audience, the stalls tend towards being of a better calibre than, say, T-in-the-Park. And one stall I spotted was that of "I am acrylic", super cute (mainly acrylic) made by Brendan and Ruth. I don't want to copy the 'about' section from their site, but you can read it here.

I'm always on the look-out for cute independent jewellery brands. Ever since Lady Luck Rules OK closed its shiny doors, I've struggled to find a suitable replacement. Punky Pins is a bit mass. I LOVE Tatty Devine but it's often a wee bit out of budget. So I was dead pleased to stumble upon these guys. Look at some of the cute stuff they do:
Sadly they didn't have any tea pots or shooting stars at Camp Bestival, but I did pick up these teeny acrylic charms:
Glorious angular heart
This one's actually a great neon red transparent acrylic.
And check out the cute box the necklaces come in - even at a festival. I appreciate that attention to detail.

And their adorable wee business cards! Check them out sometime. But don't buy all the good stuff before me!


Please may I? said...

Sounds like you had a good time even with all the strange sounding children.

Loving the purchases. Great quirky business cards.

X x

LadyBugSays ... said...

Love that neon star necklace, their business cards are fab :)

Vix said...

Tell me about it, most of the boutique festivals I go to are full of posh people, it's very disconcerting coming from chavsville central! x

Andrea said...

I've tagged you for a Liebster award!!
Check out the rules at my post here: http://agirlcalledandrea.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/liebster-award.html
I look forward to reading your Liebster post shortly!
Thanks for running a gorgeous blog :)


Unknown said...

Love the cards - are they acrylic too?