8 July 2012

Let's go (shopping)...to San Francisco!

I've recently had the glorious joy of having a wee holiday in San Francisco. If you ever get the chance to go, I'd heartily recommend that you do. There's so much to see and do and it has, minus the crazy fog, a glorious but not too hot climate. We were there late June so we missed the first of the crazy UK rain while we were away - bonus! Obvs, I'm getting rained on now good style. Ah well - I'm not a witch, I won't melt.

Back to San Fran. I was there for a week and in California nine days total - way too much action for one little post. So, I figured I'd break it down (y'all) and start with what I'm good at: the shopping highlights. San Francisco shopping is really good. You have all your high street stuff and big department stores if you're so inclined and you know what works out cheaper bought in the US. The exchange rate's only ok just now though so there aren't quite such amazing savings to be made these days. Though tell that to a $3.99 bottle of perfectly drinkable Californian wine. One high street place you can definitely save is Forever 21 - plus, it seems like their stuff in the US is nicer than the selection I've seen here. I snaffled a couple of mini skirts (bring on the rainbow lurex mutha fugga!), a diamante studded t-shirt (cause I'm 12) and a purdy summery maxi dress there:

F21 aside, I didn't do too much high street shopping at all: so much of it is the same stuff we have over here and there was much more to be seen than the generic inside of another H&M! Plus, one thing San Francisco is brilliant for is vintage and thrift shopping and little boutiques. And it was in these stores I bagged my best bargains. First up, my $12 jumpers:

Don't even try telling me there's no place in life for orange neon lace jumpers. I wasn't sure about this at first but the sun went to my head and I got it anyway. I've now worn it and it's bloody awesome! That was a wee boutique-y bargain. But the same place did vintage and second hand and yielded this:

Being a big time magpie, I couldn't walk past it - it was hanging way up the wall and I had to get the chick to grab it down with a grabber stick and, even if it hadn't fitted, I probably would have bought it anyway! I've sewn back on the loose sequins and handwashed it now and it's hanging up airing - it's one of those that's clinging desperately to its musty smell. Ah well, if I have to go out smelling a bit old lady-tastic, I have to go out smelling a bit old lady-tastic. I'll look frigging awesome. You win some, you lose some. The top is made by a brand called Tally Boutique New York. A quick Google search isn't turning up anything on them unfortunately, just a few other pieces for sale on t'interwebs.

Unbelievably, I'd nearly walked past the shop - I was put off by all the slutty-clubber looking neon tat in the window (they definitely favoured a net tutu and a boob tube). Feel free to have an ironic LOL as you recall the lurid orange number I bought...anyway, the shop (whose name I didn't notice - it was on the main street in Haight Ashbury) also did good ol' second hand and I bagged this, still tagged, Calvin Klein dress for a mere $24.95!

It's a gorgeous cornflower blue and still had all the pin tucks in the skirt tacked closed. The skirt is super full and the bodice is boned and just ever so slightly neat on - it'll be grand if I'm standing up and not eating loads. Though, that doesn't sound like me...

And so to my last fashion based bargain. A pair of woven leather, tasselled Bally loafers. For just $8.50! That's about £5.50! Holy Mary. These things are expensive new! They're so Man-From-Delmonte. And, to them, I say YES! Time to go - I have a medallion to polish and some pimpin' to do...


Vix said...

Scores! San Fran's been on my wishlist of dream destinations forever and showing me such gorgeousness as that orange jumper and the sequinned top just serve to fuel my lust to go! x

lucia m said...

loving the loafers!



mispapelicos said...

I didn´t know you were blogging again, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I missed you so much, and GLAD to have you back, my gorgeous LLara.

Anonymous said...

love the orange top, and the blue dress, adorable,


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