I have been browsing Solestruck (awesome shoe website) again. Don't worry - my bank card is safely squirrelled away in my wallet and I am NOT buying. No, I am not. Through Solestruck I have discovered some amazing shoes and brands (Jeffrey Campbell, Senso) that I might otherwise not be aware of. Which may actually have left the aforementioned bank card less afraid of melting through potential over use. Thankfully, the prices are usually more than I can afford so I generally can't go splashing out. That said, they're also in the 'occasional treat if I save' arena. And, after a couple of recent emails, I've been compelled to check out a new (to me!) brand - Ego and Greed. It's a wedge-tastic collection with fierce platforms, neon brights and random prints. Google them if you have a mo' - their website's weird as fuck. Sorry - no politer way (for me at least) to out it.
In the meantime, here are some of their shoes that I love. And to think that I never used to wear wedges...
I don't know what kind of apples these are but there's no question they're apples. I've gone all posh lately and started eating those fancy pink lady apples. They're friggin' good. As I'm a through and through skinflint Scot, I only buy them on offer.
Miaow! Or miu even, as these babies are very Miu-miu circa last year. I'm all over these.
A glorious little oxford with a pretty girlie twist. Flat, comfy, flowery and demonstrating a move away from onr-trick-pony territory. Good move.
Bazing! Kapow! And in yo' FACE! They come in a bunch of other equally neon-tastic colours. If you like highlighter pens, these are for you.
See, now, I just simply enjoy these. Neon bright against a neutral - it just works. If I was forced to choose one pair, it may be these. Hmm...