17 November 2011


Part of the reason for my recent absence from blogging is the general business of work. Plus, by the time I fit in friends and family (with varying degrees of success), the gym and Mr G, I've just not had a lot of time for it! Another thing that suffered a bit in the battle for my time was the planning of my recent birthday party - I had a dead ace party at the house and was so busy through it that I didn't take a single picture! But, people, I can hide it no more: I am no longer a member of the twenties gang. Instead, I am now a mature (*snort*) 30 year old. And I have a new hair cut. Well, it'd be rude not to, non? Cue, taken-at-arm's-length posey pic:

And turning 30 really got me thinking about what I've achieved in life and all the good stuff I've got going on. Milestones = contemplation after all. I'm not exactly a high flier (you won't see me in a "30 year old lady bosses" article any time soon - those articles do make me jealous) but I love my job and it has loads of potential. When I turned 25, I freaked out BIG TIME. I was in really quite a good customer service job and was well paid but it didn't make me happy at all - I was bored and under stimulated. A couple of years ago I took a big pay drop to move into a more creative career and I can honestly say it's one of the best things I've ever done and, in getting more job satisfaction, I feel happier all round. So job's a good 'un for now.

More widely than that, I have fabulous friends (hello fabulous friends - I love you all), a great family (I love you too) and the best husband ever - there's noone else who could be better for me. Schmaltzy but true. I am a very lucky girl. Can I call myself a girl now? Ach, I just did. Whatchoo gonna do? Fight me?

Which takes me to health (via Bodycombat - fighting. See? I do Bodycombat). I'm reasonably healthy (as far as I know) and getting fitter. And my loved ones are all in reasonable health too. And this makes me thankful.

All this stuff adds up to a pretty happy 30 year old. So there was no freaking out this birthday. I just enjoyed partying the night away with a flat FULL of family and friends. Perfect.

PS - I've achieved a pretty decent shoe collection too. And, I'm not gonna lie - it raises a wee superficial smile...

14 November 2011

Loub at first sight...

Hello! I'd like to start this post by saying thanks a massimo millo for not all unfollowing me while I've been absent. Life has rather got in the way of blogging of late, blah, blah usual excuses, so it was lovely to come back on and see that people are still here. Yay!

So, you may know me best for my cracking shoe collection (that and my biting wit and winning way of 'posing' in the same doorway for every pic). Therefore, I figured the best way to break back into the blogging was probably to bust out my recent AMAZING shoe purchase. Warning: this is picture heavy.


Now, I know they're not the most exciting shoe ever at first glance. BUT, they're Louboutin. My first ever pair. And I deliberately went for a pair that are understated and classic and wearable. Well, as long as you're not talking about the giant, spiky heel. I'll admit that's a challenge. Aside from that, a low cut, burgundy plum platform shoe boot is gonna go with plenty stuff. Plus, now I totally get the designer shoe thing: the leather is so soft and smells amazing, the insides are padded and squishy underfoot so they really are that bit comfier than your average shoe, even in spite of the aforementioned heel. And look at the sole!
And here they are in their rightful home, in the shoe cabinet. Next to the adidas x Jeremy Scott Jed-rat panda trainers. Damn Jedward.