As you can perhaps tell from the marvellous bags under my eyes, I'm still recovering somewhat from the weekend. I partied hard on Saturday. And, as a result, suffered somewhat yesterday. Sometimes you need to really blow off some steam though and what better than a night on the dance floor for doing it, eh? Plus, I totally won a dance off with a dude dressed as Lady Gaga - you should know that I OWN any given dance floor. When I really get going, I bust moves you'd think I had not the flexibility, strength or dexterity to pull off. It's quite incredible.
And so to Monday. I'm not gonna lie. I still don't feel 100%. I think the hangover passed but the sleep pattern messery, along with not enough fluid has taken its toll so here I am at home (instead of hitting the gym - oh dear) writing this and drinking chamomile tea. And necking Easter treats. However, this morning, in the interests of putting on a sunny face, I decided it was a day for wearing something awesome and cracking out the impractical shoes. I had a bit of a sore foot around Christmas/New Year and have been in flats and trainers a lot more than usual since then. Today, I went for towering Charlotte Olympias...
They're so epic and they haven't been out for so long! I'm sure they feel neglected. Poor things. Speaking of things that haven't been worn for so long, I got a diamanté encrusted jersey pencil skirt in Topshop late last year and, so far, I've only worn it out once: dancing one night. Today, diamanté encrustment just felt work appropriate.
Who doesn't love a dazzling bum, after all? To keep it from being too OTT, I added a cosy jumper.
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Jumper: H&M, skirt: Topshop, shoes: Charlotte Olympia, necklace: Suzywan Deluxe |
And a serious face! I had a banging sore head when I took the pics (don't you dare say I don't love you). Now that I've chewed some pills and had some dinner, it seems to have abated. Hopefully that's it over with cause I plan to go for a quick run tomorrow evening. When I say quick, I mean not long in duration, as opposed to running in a speedy fashion. I dare say I shall slowly schlep. Run. Pah!
Have a swell week everyone. This is my ONLY full working week in April - I have coming up this month a weekend away at my pal's caravan, a long weekend in Amsterdam AND a long weekend in Berlin! I'm so flash!
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